How to get Crawler to Visit your website frequently?

Everyone wants to get crawled their websites by all the spiders and crawlers of search engines. For this purpose, many seo services India submit the web pages of our websites in different forces and also create many back links through which the Googlebot can reach the website. To force recrawls, SEOs typically use tactics like resubmitting XML sitemaps, or using a free ping service like Seesmic Ping (formerly or Ping-O-Matic to try and coax a crawl, or firing a bunch of social bookmarking links at the site. Trouble is, these tactics are pretty much hit or miss.

Then Google gave us a new and effective tactic.

Yes, last year, Google updated “Fetch as Googlebot” in Webmaster Tools (WMT) with a new feature, called “Submit URL to Index,” which allows you to submit new and updated URLs that Google themselves say they “will usually crawl within a day.”seo services India

Here I am going to discuss the whole process as it may new for some people:

First of all you need to select “URL and all linked pages” vs “URL” when submitting for a recrawl. This designates the URL you submit as the starting point for a crawl and includes a recrawl of all internal links on that page and whole interlinked sections of sites.

After that you can leave the field blank if you want Google to use the home page of your seo company India as a starting point for a recrawl.

At last you need to submit the new xml sitemap in the google webmaster tools.

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